How to Verify your email address after Domain Registration?

by | Updated on Dec 19, 2024

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    Domain registration with Ninja Softs (backed by 3rdparty registrars) comes with a 15 days period where you have to verify your ownership.

    Steps to Follow

    This can be done by following these simple steps:

    1. Check your email, and look for email having subject “email address verification initiated” or “email address verification reminder“. If found, it’s OK otherwise plz check Spam or Bulk Folder in your account, and look/search there.
    2. Open that email, there you have a long URL to be clicked for email address verification and domain ownership.
    3. If you are unable to click that URL/Link, plz copy it and open it in a new tab.
    4. Here we go, you ‘ll potentially see the message: “Your email address verification has been verified successfully”.
    5. Thanks for choosing Ninja Softs as your website hosting and domain registrations.

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